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MBRRACE-UK Perinatal Report 2023 free online course

Resources to support continuing professional development and preparation for examinations

This series of short films brings together presentations from the virtual conference presenting the MBRRACE-UK Perinatal report 2023 in December 2023.

This four week course of short films is designed to support continuing professional development and preparation for undergraduate and professional examinations.

Alongside the watching the short films we suggest you read the associated section in the relevant report. Along with the report, the slide set associated with some films is also available on the MBRRACE-UK website and these slides are available for you to use and share with colleagues in presentations you and they may give. Links are available to other relevant materials where relevant.

Please register below to sign up to receive further notifications about the course, including weekly emails*.

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*By signing up to receive the free online course notifications you are agreeing to be added to the MBRRACE-UK mailing list. We may contact you from time to time about other MBRRACE-UK news and events which may be of interest to you. You can unsubscribe at any time by emailing

Course week 1:

The first week of the MBRRACE-UK Perinatal online course 2023 focusses on the main findings from the MBRRACE-UK Perinatal Confidential Enquiries. The two associated presentations will be available on YouTube until 12th July 2024.

Presentation 1: MBRRACE-UK Perinatal Confidential Enquiries by Ian Gallimore

Associated chapters from MBRRACE report:

Associated powerpoint slide set: 02_Perinatal_confidential_enquiry_Dec_2023_-_Background_and_main_findings

Presentation 2: Setting the scene: the effects of ethnicity and deprivation on perinatal mortality by Ruth Matthews

Associated chapter from MBRRACE report:

Associated powerpoint slide set: 01_Perinatal_confidential_enquiry_Dec_2023_-_Setting_the_scene

Course week 2:

For week 2 of the course there are two presentations to watch. These videos will be available on YouTube until 12th July 2024.

Presentation 1: The care of vulnerable women by Sara Kenyon

Associated sections from MBRRACE report:

Associated powerpoint slide set: 03_Perinatal_confidential_enquiry_Dec_2023_-_The_care_of_vulnerable_women

Presentation 2: Issues along the care pathway by Liz Draper

Associated sections from MBRRACE-UK report:

Associated powerpoint slide set: 04_Perinatal_confidential_enquiry_Dec_2023_-_Issues_along_the_care_pathway

Course week 3:

During week 3 of the course we will be looking at reviews of baby deaths. Please watch the presentations below by Jenny Kurinczuk and Alan Fenton and Clifford Mayes. These will be available until 12th July 2024.

Presentation 1: Reviews of baby deaths by Jenny Kurinczuk

Associated sections from MBRRACE-UK report:

Associated powerpoint slide set: 05_Perinatal_confidential_enquiry_Dec_2023_-_Reviews_of_baby_deaths

Presentation 2: "How was the external review for you?” by Alan Fenton and Clifford Mayes

Course week 4:

For week 4 of the MBRRACE-UK Perinatal 2023 online course please watch the presentation by Jenny Kurinczuk on the Perinatal Mortality Review Tool, annual report. This video will be available on YouTube until 12th July 2024.

Presentation 1: Perinatal Mortality Review Tool, annual report by Jenny Kurinczuk

Associated report: PMRT Annual Report

Associated powerpoint slide set: PMRT fifth annual report dissemination slides

Updated: Monday, 03 June 2024 14:15 (v34)