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UK Obstetric Surveillance System (UKOSS)

UKOSS: A national system to study rare disorders of pregnancy


To develop a UK-wide Obstetric Surveillance System to describe the epidemiology of a variety of uncommon disorders of pregnancy.


  • To use this system to lessen the burden on reporting clinicians of multiple requests for information from different sources.
  • To enable the conduct of parallel cohort or case-control as well as descriptive epidemiological studies.
  • To use the knowledge gained to make practical improvements in prevention and treatment and allow for more effective service planning.
  • To provide a system capable of responding rapidly to emerging conditions of major public health importance.

Why study rare disorders?

Rare conditions of pregnancy:

  • Are under-researched.
  • Our understanding of them is poor.
  • Any interventions used in current clinical practice are rarely based on robust evidence.
  • Routine sources of information are limited or unreliable.
  • Comprehensive studies require a large collaboration to identify relatively small numbers of women.
  • Requests for information from multiple sources about different uncommon disorders can place an unacceptable burden on reporting clinicians.

This single, routine, reporting system avoids these problems and has the benefit of allowing the range of conditions under surveillance to change over time.

Download Powerpoint Presentation

Introduction to UKOSS presentation


The current membership of the UKOSS Steering Committee is:

Ms Joyce Adu-Amankwah
Specialist Haemoglobinopathies Midwife, St George's University Hospital NHS Foundation Trust
Dr Akila Anbazhagan
Consultant Obstetrician, St Mary's Hospital, Wythenshawe
Mr George Attilakos
Consultant in Fetal Medicine and Obstetrics, University College London Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust
Mr David Churchill (Co-Chair)
Consultant Obstetrician, The Royal Wolverhampton NHS Trust
Dr Katie Cranfield
Consultant Anaesthetist, Royal Victoria Infirmary
Ms Rhiannon D'Arcy
Public Health Trainee, Buckinghamshire Hospitals NHS Trust
Ms Sarah Davies
Clinical Research Midwife, Health and Care Research Wales
Ms Charlotte Frise
Consultant Obstetric Physician, Queen Charlotte's and Chelsea
Ms Laura Goodfellow
Trainee O&G, NIHR Academic Clinical Lecturer, University of Liverpool
Ms Julie Grindey
Research Midwife, Wirral University Teaching Hospital NHS Foundation Trust
Ms Tannice Hemming
Patient and Public Involvement (PPI) Representative
Dr Yasmin Jamil
Consultant Obstetric Physician, North Central London Maternal Medicine Network
Ms Mervi Jokinen (Vice-chair)
Royal College of Midwives (RCM) Representative
Professor Asma Khalil
Vice President for Academia and Strategy, RCOG
Professor Marian Knight
Senior Clinical Research Fellow, Head of UKOSS
Professor Jenny Kurinczuk
Consultant Clinical Epidemiologist, National Perinatal Epidemiology Unit
Dr Barbara Macafee
Consultant Anaesthetist, Royal Jubilee Maternity Hospital, Belfast
Dr Leslie Marr
Reproductive Health Programme Manager, Healthcare Improvement Scotland
Ms Sarah Milosevic
Patient and Public Involvement (PPI) Representative
Dr Inass Osman
Consultant Obstetrician, NHS Ayrshire and Arran
Dr Vinnie Sodhi
Obstetric Anaesthetists' Association Representative. Clinical Lead for High Risk Obstetric Anaesthesia , Queen Charlotte's and Chelsea Hospital
Ms Nicola Vousden
Trainee in Public Health, NIHR Academic Clinical Fellow in Public Health, London
Dr Claire Williams (Co-Chair)
Consultant Anaesthetist, Cambridge University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust

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Updated: Wednesday, 29 May 2024 11:16 (v110)