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UKMidSS uses methods similar to those used for the UK Obstetric Surveillance System (UKOSS) which is also based in the NPEU.

Every month nominated UKMidSS reporters in each alongside midwifery unit (AMU) or freestanding midwifery unit (FMU) in the UK receive an email indicating the condition or event for each study currently being carried out using UKMidSS. By following the link in the email reporters indicate the number of cases they have seen during the previous month, or if none, report a nil return. So that we can estimate prevalence/incidence we also ask for the number of women admitted for labour care and/or the number of women giving birth in the AMU or FMU in the previous month.

On receiving notification of a case the UKMidSS data management system at the NPEU allocates a unique number to the case and sends the reporting midwife a link to a secure web-based data collection form (developed individually for each study). The data collection form seeks confirmation of the appropriate case definition, additional information on risk factors, management and outcomes as appropriate for each study, and is completed from medical records only. Only anonymised data are collected.

The UKMidSS methodology has been approved by NRES Committee South west - Frenchay (REC reference 15/SW/0166).

Updated: Tuesday, 10 September 2019 10:23 (v7)