Effect of social deprivation on gestational age and size at birth
This study, using the maternity and birth record linked data in Scotland, focused on changing influences of social deprivation between 1980 and 2003 on pregnancy outcome in Scotland.We were also able to examine the effect of deprivation on birth outcomes which is attributable to smoking during pregnancy. We also produced new birth weight centiles for Scotland.
Journal Articles
- Gray R, Bonellie SR, Chalmers J, Greer I, Jarvis S, Williams C. Social inequalities in preterm birth in Scotland 1980?2003: findings from an area-based measure of deprivation. Br J Obstet Gynaecol. 2008;115(1):82-90.
- Bonellie S, Chalmers J, Gray R, Greer I, Jarvis S, Williams C. Centile charts for birthweight for gestational age for Scottish singleton births. BMC Pregnancy Childbirth. 2008;8(1):5.
- Gray R, Bonellie SR, Chalmers J, Greer I, Jarvis S, Kurinczuk JJ, Williams C. Contribution of smoking during pregnancy to inequalities in stillbirth and infant death in Scotland 1994-2003: retrospective population based study using hospital maternity records. Br Med J. 2009;339:b3754.