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Long-term follow-up of women and their infants affected by near-miss morbidity

Principal investigator
Marian Knight (NPEU)
Louise Locock (University of Oxford), Lisa Hinton (DIPex University of Oxford), Peter Brocklehurst (NPEU), Jenny Kurinczuk (NPEU)
Mental health and wellbeing, Parents, Severe maternal morbidity and mortality
National Institute for Health Research, DH - Policy Research Programme
Start year
End year
NPEU Contact
Marian Knight


Most studies of near-miss maternal morbidity, because of their retrospective hospital-based nature, report relatively short-term outcomes for women, for example, admission to intensive care or the need for hysterectomy to control haemorrhage. However, near-miss morbidities may have significant long-term impacts, both physical and psychological, on parents, their infants and other children. Exploration of these wider impacts is important to inform service provision. This project investigated the feasibility of long-term follow-up of affected women and their infants through both qualitative and quantitative studies of women affected by near-miss maternal morbidities. The qualitative interviews identified a number of important messages for care, which have been used to develop a module on the website (


Journal Articles