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Obesity and outcome of pregnancy. Surveillance of extreme obesity in pregnancy Title: An international comparative study examining extreme maternal obesity

Principal investigator
Stephen McCall (NPEU (Former member))
Jenny Kurinczuk (NPEU)
National Health and Medical Research Council (Australia)
Start year
End year
NPEU Contact
Marian Knight


The majority of obesity studies have only examined women with a BMI ≥30. The number of women in the extremely obese group is very small; therefore, this requires national studies to be undertaken. Both the UK Obstetric Surveillance System and the Australasian Maternity Outcomes Surveillance System, who are both members of the International Network of Obstetric Survey Systems (INOSS) have examined obesity in women with a BMI ≥50 (Knight et al., 2010, Sullivan et al., 2015). National studies in the UK and Australia have collected cases in a near uniform manner, which offers a unique opportunity to compare these extremely obese populations. Previous international studies have been able to elucidate differences between national incidence rates in other severe maternal complications (Schaap et al., 2014). The aim of this study is to examine the characteristics, managements and outcomes of women with extreme maternal obesity in each population. It further aims to assess whether poor perinatal and maternal outcomes are associated with peripartum management.


Journal Articles