Data Sharing
The NPEU Clinical Trials Unit (CTU) is strongly committed to supporting the appropriate sharing of data. The NPEU CTU believes that data produced by publicly funded research are a public resource and that as much data as possible should be made available to the scientific community with as few restrictions as possible insofar as this is compatible with the legal requirements for the protection of personal information, and within the financial resources available.
Considerations for the Sharing of Data
Who is the Data Controller?
The overarching decision to share data will be determined by the Data Controller for the project. The data controller will usually be the Sponsor of the study, for NPEU CTU studies this is often the University of Oxford. You can check the Data Controller within the Privacy Notice webpage.
Type of Data?
The type of data being requested will be carefully considered. The sharing of research data must: protect the confidentiality and privacy of individuals; respect the terms of consent by individuals who are involved in research; be consistent with relevant legal, ethical and regulatory frameworks; and guard against unreasonable costs.
How do I Make a Data Sharing Request?
If you would like to make a data sharing request, please complete the Data Sharing Request Form and either submit it by email, using the details below or return it to the NPEU CTU contact person for the relevant trial if known.
All data sharing requests will initially be reviewed by the NPEU Data Sharing Committee which usually meets monthly. An initial position on the request will be communicated to you within 6 weeks of receipt of the Data Sharing Request Form. If the NPEU CTU have doubts over scientific validity of the proposal or the requestor's ability to analyse or interpret the data correctly, then additional information may be requested.